The Evil History of Skincare

Let’s talk about something super important—your skin! We all want to look good, right? Having nice skin is a big part of that. People have been taking care of their skin for a long time. But how aware are you of your skincare products: ingredients, chemicals, and their scientifically-backed effects on you?

Some can be downright evil! In this short read, I will tell you the skincare story from ancient times to today and reveal some shocking truths about our daily products.

A Long Time Ago: Natural Skincare

Before we had fancy face creams and soaps, people used natural ingredients to care for their skin. They didn’t have the big stores we have now filled with rows and rows of skincare products. Instead, they used things they could find in nature. They used honey, oatmeal, egg yolks, olive oil, and even beef fat! These ingredients were simple, safe, and effective. People used them when they had skin problems, like a rash, dry skin, or a wound that needed healing.

For example, honey is amazing for your skin. It’s been used for thousands of years because it has antibacterial properties, which can help heal cuts and wounds and prevent infections. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew this and used honey as a sweet treat and a powerful medicine for their skin. They would put it on their cuts and burns to help them heal faster.

Olive oil is another great example. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it to keep their skin soft and healthy. Olive oil contains vitamins and antioxidants that are good for your skin. It helps to moisturize and protect your skin from getting dry and irritated. The Greeks would rub olive oil on their bodies before they exercised, and the Romans used it in their baths to help cleanse and soften their skin.

Oatmeal was also a popular choice for skincare. Even today, people use oatmeal baths to soothe itchy or irritated skin. It’s gentle and calming, perfect for treating conditions like eczema or sunburn.

Egg yolks were used for their nourishing properties. They are rich in vitamins and fats, making the skin look smooth and shiny. People would mix them with other natural ingredients to create face masks that helped to moisturize and rejuvenate their skin.

And then there’s beef fat, also known as tallow. It might sound strange to us now, but back then, it was a common ingredient in skincare. Tallow is similar to our skin’s natural oils, making it an excellent moisturizer. It helps to repair and protect the skin, keeping it soft and supple.

These natural ingredients were all people needed to keep their skin healthy. They were effective and didn’t contain the harmful chemicals that many modern products have.

Using what nature provided, people could take care of their skin simply, safely, and effectively.

The Industrial Revolution: Enter Chemicals

Everything changed with the Industrial Revolution. Suddenly, we had all these new chemicals from big factories. Companies started making all sorts of new skincare products using these chemicals, promising that these new products would make our skin look better.

One of the first big products was Ivory soap. But kids hated using soap because it stung their eyes! So, Edward Bernays, who was good at advertising, devised a plan. He started a soap carving competition for kids. It made soap fun, and soon, kids loved using Ivory soap.

If you are interested to read more about how we are not immune to propaganda, read: You Are Not Immune To Propaganda

The Age of Consumerism: More Products, More Problems

As time went on, more and more skincare products appeared. By the 1920s, face creams were a big hit. Later, people started wanting a tan, so tanning lotions became popular. Then, we got products like shower gels, shampoos, and conditioners, all made with new, fancy chemicals.

But here’s the problem: these chemicals aren’t always safe. They can be very harmful to your health. For example, some chemicals in skincare products can mess with your hormones. This can cause all sorts of problems, like making it harder to have children or even causing cancer.

The Scary Truth About Skincare Chemicals

Let’s talk about some of these scary chemicals. One of the worst is called phthalates (pronounced “thal-ates”). These make products smell good and help the fragrance stick to your skin. But phthalates can disrupt your hormones and are linked to a huge drop in sperm count in men. If things keep going this way, half of all men might not be able to have children by 2045!

Another nasty chemical is parabens. Parabens help products last longer on the shelf. But they can act like the hormone estrogen in your body, which can cause problems like breast cancer. They’re found in many products, like lotions and makeup.

And there’s more. Some products contain formaldehyde releasers, which release a toxic gas that can cause cancer. Others have Teflon, the same stuff used in non-stick pans, which can be very harmful if it gets into your body.

Why Are These Chemicals in Our Products?

You might wonder why companies use these bad chemicals. The answer is simple: money. These chemicals make products cheaper to produce and last longer on the shelf. They also make the products feel nice on your skin, so you keep buying them. But at what cost to your health?

What Can You Do?

So, what can you do to protect yourself? First, try to use fewer products. Do you really need ten different creams and lotions? Probably not. Simplifying your routine can be better for your skin and your health. Start by cutting down to just the essentials: a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and maybe a sunscreen if you’re going out in the sun. This will reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and make your skincare routine more manageable.

Second, look for natural alternatives. Remember those ancient ingredients like honey and olive oil? They’re still great for your skin! Here are some more natural ingredients to consider:

  • Honey: As mentioned earlier, honey is fantastic for its antibacterial properties. It can help heal wounds and keep your skin hydrated. You can use it as a face mask or add it to your cleanser.
  • Olive Oil: This oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It’s excellent for moisturizing and protecting your skin. Use it as a moisturizer or mix it with sugar for a natural exfoliating scrub.
  • Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing properties, aloe vera is great for calming irritated skin and providing moisture. It’s perfect for sunburns and everyday hydration.
  • Coconut oil is another great moisturizer. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties keep skin healthy and free from infections.
  • Shea Butter: This natural fat extracted from the nuts of the shea tree is rich in vitamins A and E. It’s highly moisturizing and can help with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Beeswax: Beeswax can create a barrier on your skin, protecting it from environmental damage while keeping it hydrated.
  • Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is similar to our skin’s natural oils, making it a great moisturizer. It absorbs easily and doesn’t leave a greasy feeling.

Introducing a Safer Choice

Here’s some good news: you can make your skincare products at home using these natural ingredients or look for products that contain them without harmful chemicals. When shopping for skincare, check the ingredient list and avoid products with parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. Here’s a quick guide to what you should look for:

  • Simple Ingredients: Look for products with a short list of ingredients you can recognize and pronounce. The fewer the ingredients, the better.
  • Beef Tallow: This natural fat is similar to the oils our skin produces and is excellent for moisturizing and protecting your skin.
    Organic Olive Oil: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, olive oil is great for keeping your skin soft and healthy.
  • Honey and Manuka Honey: Both types of honey are excellent for their antibacterial properties and can help heal and hydrate your skin.

  • Marigold Flower (Calendula) Extract: Known for promoting skin health and healing, this extract is soothing and beneficial for irritated skin.
  • Essential Oils: These can provide natural fragrance and additional benefits, like lavender for calming or tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties. Just be sure to use them in small amounts, as they can be potent.
  • Non-Toxic Preservatives: Natural preservatives like vitamin E (tocopherol) or rosemary extract can help extend the shelf life of your products without the need for harsh chemicals.
  • Organic Ingredients: Whenever possible, choose products made with organic ingredients. This ensures they are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

By paying attention to what’s in your skincare products and choosing natural, safe ingredients, you can take better care of your skin and overall health. Remember, sometimes less is more, and nature often provides the best solutions for our skin care needs.

The Future of Skincare

We hope that one day all skincare products will be safe and healthy. But for now, it’s up to us to make smart choices. Look at the ingredients in your products and try to avoid the harmful ones. Your skin and your health will thank you!

So, the next time you reach for that fancy lotion or cream, think about what’s in it. Remember, natural ingredients are often the best. They’ve been used for thousands of years for a reason!

Stay safe and take care of your skin the smart way!

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The Evil History of Skincare

Let’s talk about something super important—your skin! We all want to look good, right? Having nice skin is a big part of that. People have been taking care of their skin for a long time. But how aware are you of your skincare products: ingredients, chemicals, and their scientifically-backed effects on you?

Some can be downright evil! In this short read, I will tell you the skincare story from ancient times to today and reveal some shocking truths about our daily products.

A Long Time Ago: Natural Skincare

Before we had fancy face creams and soaps, people used natural ingredients to care for their skin. They didn’t have the big stores we have now filled with rows and rows of skincare products. Instead, they used things they could find in nature. They used honey, oatmeal, egg yolks, olive oil, and even beef fat! These ingredients were simple, safe, and effective. People used them when they had skin problems, like a rash, dry skin, or a wound that needed healing.

For example, honey is amazing for your skin. It’s been used for thousands of years because it has antibacterial properties, which can help heal cuts and wounds and prevent infections. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew this and used honey as a sweet treat and a powerful medicine for their skin. They would put it on their cuts and burns to help them heal faster.

Olive oil is another great example. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it to keep their skin soft and healthy. Olive oil contains vitamins and antioxidants that are good for your skin. It helps to moisturize and protect your skin from getting dry and irritated. The Greeks would rub olive oil on their bodies before they exercised, and the Romans used it in their baths to help cleanse and soften their skin.

Oatmeal was also a popular choice for skincare. Even today, people use oatmeal baths to soothe itchy or irritated skin. It’s gentle and calming, perfect for treating conditions like eczema or sunburn.

Egg yolks were used for their nourishing properties. They are rich in vitamins and fats, making the skin look smooth and shiny. People would mix them with other natural ingredients to create face masks that helped to moisturize and rejuvenate their skin.

And then there’s beef fat, also known as tallow. It might sound strange to us now, but back then, it was a common ingredient in skincare. Tallow is similar to our skin’s natural oils, making it an excellent moisturizer. It helps to repair and protect the skin, keeping it soft and supple.

These natural ingredients were all people needed to keep their skin healthy. They were effective and didn’t contain the harmful chemicals that many modern products have.

Using what nature provided, people could take care of their skin simply, safely, and effectively.

The Industrial Revolution: Enter Chemicals

Everything changed with the Industrial Revolution. Suddenly, we had all these new chemicals from big factories. Companies started making all sorts of new skincare products using these chemicals, promising that these new products would make our skin look better.

One of the first big products was Ivory soap. But kids hated using soap because it stung their eyes! So, Edward Bernays, who was good at advertising, devised a plan. He started a soap carving competition for kids. It made soap fun, and soon, kids loved using Ivory soap.

If you are interested to read more about how we are not immune to propaganda, read: You Are Not Immune To Propaganda

The Age of Consumerism: More Products, More Problems

As time went on, more and more skincare products appeared. By the 1920s, face creams were a big hit. Later, people started wanting a tan, so tanning lotions became popular. Then, we got products like shower gels, shampoos, and conditioners, all made with new, fancy chemicals.

But here’s the problem: these chemicals aren’t always safe. They can be very harmful to your health. For example, some chemicals in skincare products can mess with your hormones. This can cause all sorts of problems, like making it harder to have children or even causing cancer.

The Scary Truth About Skincare Chemicals

Let’s talk about some of these scary chemicals. One of the worst is called phthalates (pronounced “thal-ates”). These make products smell good and help the fragrance stick to your skin. But phthalates can disrupt your hormones and are linked to a huge drop in sperm count in men. If things keep going this way, half of all men might not be able to have children by 2045!

Another nasty chemical is parabens. Parabens help products last longer on the shelf. But they can act like the hormone estrogen in your body, which can cause problems like breast cancer. They’re found in many products, like lotions and makeup.

And there’s more. Some products contain formaldehyde releasers, which release a toxic gas that can cause cancer. Others have Teflon, the same stuff used in non-stick pans, which can be very harmful if it gets into your body.

Why Are These Chemicals in Our Products?

You might wonder why companies use these bad chemicals. The answer is simple: money. These chemicals make products cheaper to produce and last longer on the shelf. They also make the products feel nice on your skin, so you keep buying them. But at what cost to your health?

What Can You Do?

So, what can you do to protect yourself? First, try to use fewer products. Do you really need ten different creams and lotions? Probably not. Simplifying your routine can be better for your skin and your health. Start by cutting down to just the essentials: a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and maybe a sunscreen if you’re going out in the sun. This will reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and make your skincare routine more manageable.

Second, look for natural alternatives. Remember those ancient ingredients like honey and olive oil? They’re still great for your skin! Here are some more natural ingredients to consider:

  • Honey: As mentioned earlier, honey is fantastic for its antibacterial properties. It can help heal wounds and keep your skin hydrated. You can use it as a face mask or add it to your cleanser.
  • Olive Oil: This oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It’s excellent for moisturizing and protecting your skin. Use it as a moisturizer or mix it with sugar for a natural exfoliating scrub.
  • Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing properties, aloe vera is great for calming irritated skin and providing moisture. It’s perfect for sunburns and everyday hydration.
  • Coconut oil is another great moisturizer. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties keep skin healthy and free from infections.
  • Shea Butter: This natural fat extracted from the nuts of the shea tree is rich in vitamins A and E. It’s highly moisturizing and can help with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Beeswax: Beeswax can create a barrier on your skin, protecting it from environmental damage while keeping it hydrated.
  • Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is similar to our skin’s natural oils, making it a great moisturizer. It absorbs easily and doesn’t leave a greasy feeling.

Introducing a Safer Choice

Here’s some good news: you can make your skincare products at home using these natural ingredients or look for products that contain them without harmful chemicals. When shopping for skincare, check the ingredient list and avoid products with parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. Here’s a quick guide to what you should look for:

  • Simple Ingredients: Look for products with a short list of ingredients you can recognize and pronounce. The fewer the ingredients, the better.
  • Beef Tallow: This natural fat is similar to the oils our skin produces and is excellent for moisturizing and protecting your skin.
    Organic Olive Oil: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, olive oil is great for keeping your skin soft and healthy.
  • Honey and Manuka Honey: Both types of honey are excellent for their antibacterial properties and can help heal and hydrate your skin.

  • Marigold Flower (Calendula) Extract: Known for promoting skin health and healing, this extract is soothing and beneficial for irritated skin.
  • Essential Oils: These can provide natural fragrance and additional benefits, like lavender for calming or tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties. Just be sure to use them in small amounts, as they can be potent.
  • Non-Toxic Preservatives: Natural preservatives like vitamin E (tocopherol) or rosemary extract can help extend the shelf life of your products without the need for harsh chemicals.
  • Organic Ingredients: Whenever possible, choose products made with organic ingredients. This ensures they are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

By paying attention to what’s in your skincare products and choosing natural, safe ingredients, you can take better care of your skin and overall health. Remember, sometimes less is more, and nature often provides the best solutions for our skin care needs.

The Future of Skincare

We hope that one day all skincare products will be safe and healthy. But for now, it’s up to us to make smart choices. Look at the ingredients in your products and try to avoid the harmful ones. Your skin and your health will thank you!

So, the next time you reach for that fancy lotion or cream, think about what’s in it. Remember, natural ingredients are often the best. They’ve been used for thousands of years for a reason!

Stay safe and take care of your skin the smart way!

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