Once upon a time, a big, beautiful tree stood in a quiet and peaceful forest. Its branches stretched high into the sky, and its leaves danced in the wind. In spring, colorful butterflies fluttered around its flowers, and birds from faraway places sang sweet songs in its branches in summer. The tree was like a kind friend, offering cool shade to anyone who wanted to rest beneath it.

The Boy and the Tree’s Relationship

A little boy often came to play under the tree. He loved to climb its branches and pick its flowers. The tree loved the boy very much. It bent its branches low so he could reach the flowers and fruit. The tree was happy to give, and the boy was happy to take. Love, like the tree, gives without asking for anything in return.


One day, as the boy picked flowers, the tree said, “Hello, little friend! Do you like my flowers?”

The boy laughed and replied, “Yes, I love them! They are so pretty and smell so nice.”

The tree swayed gently and said, “Take as many as you like. I am happy when you are happy.”

The Boy Grows and Visits Less Often

As the boy grew older, he visited the tree less often. He had school, friends, and many things to do. But the tree waited patiently, hoping the boy would come back. Love is patient and always hopes for the best.


One day, the tree asked, “Why don’t you come to play anymore?”

The boy sighed and said, “I have so much to do. I have to study and play with my friends.”

The tree nodded and said, “I understand. But remember, I am always here for you.”

The Boy’s First Return for Help

One day, the boy came back. He looked worried. “I need money,” he said. The tree was surprised but wanted to help.


The tree asked, “What do you need money for?”

The boy replied, “I want to buy some toys and things.”

The tree said, “Take my fruit and sell it. You can use the money to buy what you need.”

The boy picked up all the fruit and left without saying thank you. But the tree was still happy because it could help. Love finds joy in giving, even when it gets nothing in return.

The Boy’s Second Return for More

Years passed, and the boy, now a young man, returned. “I need a house,” he said. The tree, always ready to help, said, “Cut my branches and build your house.” The young man did just that, leaving the tree with only its trunk. But the tree did not mind. Love is happy to give, even when it loses something.


The tree asked, “Will you come to visit me once your house is built?”

The young man said, “Maybe if I have time.”

The tree whispered, “I will wait for you.”

Step 6: The Boy’s Final Return

Time passed, and the man, now old, came back to the tree once more. The tree, now just a stump, was overjoyed to see him. “What else can I do for you?” the tree asked, its voice filled with love and longing.

The man replied, “I want to travel to distant lands to earn more money. I need a boat.”

The tree, eager to help, said, “Cut my trunk and make a boat. I would be so happy if I could help you go to faraway lands. But please remember, I will always be waiting for your return.”

The man brought a saw, cut down the trunk, and made a boat. Without a word of thanks, he sailed away, leaving the tree as a small stump. The tree watched him go, its heart full of love and hope.

Moral of The Story

Now, the tree is just a stump, waiting patiently for its loved one to return. It waits and waits, but the man never comes back. The tree worries about him, wondering if he is safe or if he has forgotten. The tree’s love remains strong despite having nothing left to give. It understands that the ego only goes where there is something to gain, while love gives without expecting anything in return.

The tree’s story teaches us true love is about giving, not taking.

It shows us that love is the greatest gift, always ready to give and never asking for anything back.

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Once upon a time, a big, beautiful tree stood in a quiet and peaceful forest. Its branches stretched high into the sky, and its leaves danced in the wind. In spring, colorful butterflies fluttered around its flowers, and birds from faraway places sang sweet songs in its branches in summer. The tree was like a kind friend, offering cool shade to anyone who wanted to rest beneath it.

The Boy and the Tree’s Relationship

A little boy often came to play under the tree. He loved to climb its branches and pick its flowers. The tree loved the boy very much. It bent its branches low so he could reach the flowers and fruit. The tree was happy to give, and the boy was happy to take. Love, like the tree, gives without asking for anything in return.


One day, as the boy picked flowers, the tree said, “Hello, little friend! Do you like my flowers?”

The boy laughed and replied, “Yes, I love them! They are so pretty and smell so nice.”

The tree swayed gently and said, “Take as many as you like. I am happy when you are happy.”

The Boy Grows and Visits Less Often

As the boy grew older, he visited the tree less often. He had school, friends, and many things to do. But the tree waited patiently, hoping the boy would come back. Love is patient and always hopes for the best.


One day, the tree asked, “Why don’t you come to play anymore?”

The boy sighed and said, “I have so much to do. I have to study and play with my friends.”

The tree nodded and said, “I understand. But remember, I am always here for you.”

The Boy’s First Return for Help

One day, the boy came back. He looked worried. “I need money,” he said. The tree was surprised but wanted to help.


The tree asked, “What do you need money for?”

The boy replied, “I want to buy some toys and things.”

The tree said, “Take my fruit and sell it. You can use the money to buy what you need.”

The boy picked up all the fruit and left without saying thank you. But the tree was still happy because it could help. Love finds joy in giving, even when it gets nothing in return.

The Boy’s Second Return for More

Years passed, and the boy, now a young man, returned. “I need a house,” he said. The tree, always ready to help, said, “Cut my branches and build your house.” The young man did just that, leaving the tree with only its trunk. But the tree did not mind. Love is happy to give, even when it loses something.


The tree asked, “Will you come to visit me once your house is built?”

The young man said, “Maybe if I have time.”

The tree whispered, “I will wait for you.”

Step 6: The Boy’s Final Return

Time passed, and the man, now old, came back to the tree once more. The tree, now just a stump, was overjoyed to see him. “What else can I do for you?” the tree asked, its voice filled with love and longing.

The man replied, “I want to travel to distant lands to earn more money. I need a boat.”

The tree, eager to help, said, “Cut my trunk and make a boat. I would be so happy if I could help you go to faraway lands. But please remember, I will always be waiting for your return.”

The man brought a saw, cut down the trunk, and made a boat. Without a word of thanks, he sailed away, leaving the tree as a small stump. The tree watched him go, its heart full of love and hope.

Moral of The Story

Now, the tree is just a stump, waiting patiently for its loved one to return. It waits and waits, but the man never comes back. The tree worries about him, wondering if he is safe or if he has forgotten. The tree’s love remains strong despite having nothing left to give. It understands that the ego only goes where there is something to gain, while love gives without expecting anything in return.

The tree’s story teaches us true love is about giving, not taking.

It shows us that love is the greatest gift, always ready to give and never asking for anything back.

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